Vocational Training

Africa Oasis Foundation partners with local Rwandans implementing self-sustaining vocational programs so the people of Rwanda can have the joy of providing for their own families.

Farming God’s way

In 2024, the Africa Oasis Foundation launched the Farming Outreach program to continuously improve our initiatives and help the families we serve become more self-reliant. This program was established in response to the observed need to support parents and guardians of children in our Scholarship Program, equipping them to better care for their families. Since our Education Scholarship Outreach operates in a rural area, most of our families are subsistence farmers.

The Farming Outreach program introduces "Farming God’s Way," a resource designed to address the challenges our families face. This approach tackles both the spiritual and practical aspects of poverty. By integrating biblical principles, it provides sustainable and profitable farming methods.

Farming God’s Way" is not an organization, but a comprehensive teaching resource. It promotes improved and sustainable conservation agriculture techniques to local farmers. These methods help enhance crop yields, preserve soil health, and ensure long-term agricultural productivity. Through this program, we aim to empower farmers with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive, thereby fostering self-reliance and improved living conditions for their families.

The Problem

Despite ideal conditions for farming, many Rwandan families face food insecurity due to poor farming practices, soil erosion, and lack of motivation. Addressing these issues through improved agricultural techniques, education, and support is essential to help families fully utilize their environment's natural advantages.


Rural Rwandan farmers face weather challenges, but outreach programs provide climate-smart techniques, weather education, and early warning systems to aid resilience.


Rwandan farmers face pest challenges, but outreach programs provide education, pest-resistant crops, and pesticide training, aiding agricultural productivity.


Rwandan farmers lack modern tools, but outreach programs provide access and training, boosting mechanization, efficiency, and livelihoods.

From Farm to Market

A significant challenge for subsistence farmers in Rwanda is obtaining a fair price for their products. Most farmers lack proper storage facilities for maize, forcing them to sell at harvest time when prices are at their lowest. While "Farming God’s Way" will help increase crop yields, we also want to ensure farmers receive fair compensation for their efforts.

To address this issue, the Africa Oasis Foundation constructed a warehouse. This facility allows us to purchase maize and beans from farmers at fair prices that reflect the true value of their products. The warehouse provides much-needed storage space, enabling farmers to store their crops safely and sell them when market prices are more favorable. This reduces their vulnerability to market fluctuations and helps them avoid the financial strain of selling at low prices during harvest time.

Furthermore, the warehouse serves as a central collection point, simplifying logistics and reducing transportation costs for farmers. By buying directly from the farmers, we eliminate middlemen who often take a significant portion of the profit. This ensures that the farmers receive a larger share of the final sale price.

The benefits of this initiative are multifaceted. Our farmers can enjoy increased yields from the improved farming techniques taught by "Farming God’s Way." They also receive fair and timely payment for their crops, which helps to stabilize their income and improve their overall financial security. Additionally, by storing and selling their crops at optimal times, farmers can better plan for their future needs and investments.

Overall, this initiative not only enhances the economic well-being of the farmers but also ensures a steady supply of quality maize and beans for the community. Our families feel a sense of pride and accomplishment in their work, knowing that their efforts are valued and that their crops are helping to feed their community. Through these efforts, we aim to create a more sustainable and prosperous future for subsistence farmers in Rwanda.

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