
An organization is only as strong as the people who are working toward the same purpose. Thankfully, we have some of the best people in the world at the Africa Oasis Foundation, and we are extremely blessed to have an incredible staff. Our clear mission unifies us, and their dedication and passion are what make our organization thrive.
Rwanda Staff


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Staff - Profile

Faustin is the Site Coordinator at the Africa Oasis Foundation, bringing over 12 years of experience in education, particularly in teaching. He is deeply committed to working with children and has demonstrated his dedication both professionally and within his community. Faustin is single and a devout Christian. In his village, he coordinates youth volunteers, fostering a spirit of service and community engagement. At his church, he takes on responsibilities of preaching, further exemplifying his commitment to his faith and community. Faustin’s passion for education and youth development makes him an invaluable member of our team, embodying the values and mission of the Africa Oasis Foundation.