7 Years Old, F
UWERA Solange
Birthday: April 21, 2017
Your Sponsorship

UWERA Solange                               Date: 18/11/2023

                                              Staff: FAU                                                


Village: BYIMANA



District: BUGESERA

Province: EAST

Age: 6

Date of birth: 21/04/2017

Class: P1

School: GS NDAMA

Parents: - Father: MBAZUMUTIMA Innocent

Mother: MUTUYIMANA Jeannine 

Siblings: 9 in total (3 boy and 6 girls). 

Contact Person: - Mother - 0783209351


Solange lives with both parents and siblings in KAMABUYE. The father has mental problem; he cannot do any job to support the family. Only the mother supports the family; she cultivates for other people to survive. It is really difficult for her to feed all 10 people at home. This family has own house. They have no land to grow crops. They eat once a day. Solange continues her studies but it is very difficult for her because of all those challenges above mentioned. She really needs support. 


Education support


Medical insurance

School fees
Scholatic material
Medical assistance
Uniform / Years
Center Day