10 Years Old, F
Niyogisubizo, Naome
Birthday: Jan. 1, 2014
Your Sponsorship

Name: Naome Niyogisubizo 

Birthday: 2014

Age: 9 years old

Grade: P6 

Mother: Jacqueline

Father: Jean Marie (Disappeared)

Siblings: None

Naome lives with her mother in Mparo village. Naome’s father is said to have left the hospital when her mother was in labor. There has been no news about him since  Naome was born. Naome and her mother don’t own a house or any land. Jacqueline rents a small 2 room house where she lives with Naome. It is a struggle to survive. Jacqueline helps with farming in her community to earn money. Together with her mom, Naome likes going to church every Sunday. African Oasis Foundation supports her educationand she continues doing well in school. African Oasis Foundation supports her education. Her dreams are to be a doctor. Naome helps her mother with some activities at home. She is good at washing dishes, cleaning the house, etc. 





-Funding for education

School fees
Scholatic material
Medical assistance
Uniform / Years
Center Day