11 Years Old, F
Ikizere, Anick
Birthday: Nov. 8, 2013
Your Sponsorship

Name: Anick Ikizere

Birthday: 11/08/2013

Age: 10 years old

Grade: P3 

Mother: Valerie

Father: Syldion

Siblings: 5 in total (2 boys and 3 girls including Anick), Anick is the 3rd born

Anick lives in the Kamabuye Sector with both of her parents and all of her siblings. This family has their own house and land where they can grow crops. The father does different jobs, such as planting and cultivating. Anick performs well at school and attends school regularly. Last year’s school report said that she is good at English, Maths, and Social Studies. At home, she helps her family with different activities, especially taking care of her younger baby brother.


-Medical Card


School fees
Scholatic material
Medical assistance
Uniform / Years
Center Day