Project description
  • $20
  • $40
  • $60

Girls Hygiene Pack

Feminine hygiene is a significant challenge for young women in developing countries. Without access to adequate period products, they face numerous health issues and are often unable to attend school or their Life Center. However, your gift of a year's supply of sanitary pads can help them stay clean, healthy, and confident, enabling them to work towards a brighter future!

·     $30 provides enough supplies for a girl for 6 months.

·     $60 provides enough supplies for a girl for a year.

Consider making this a recurring pledge to ensure she has what she needs all year round!

Click the "Start a Campaign" button to launch your personalized peer-to-peer fundraising campaign and inspire your friends, family, and community to support this cause. Together, we can make a powerful impact and transform children's lives.