Project description
  • $20
  • $40
  • $60

Announcing The Oasis Christian Academy : Dream With

Goal: $None
Raised: $0.00

We are excited to announce a new project for Africa Oasis Foundation!

Building The Oasis Christian Academy is a big task, but we have a great God! Since we started in 2021, we have seen God's work in amazing ways among the people we serve and those who help us. We feel God's guidance again and invite you to join us in this journey, for yourself, for Africa Oasis Foundation, and for the families and communities we serve.


At Africa Oasis Foundation, our mission is to share the love of Jesus by educating and empowering the people of Rwanda and the communities we serve. The Oasis Christian Academy will be a place where this mission comes to life!

Around 800 Rwanda secondary students will receive a high-quality Christian and classical education that nurtures both their minds and hearts. The staff and house parents at Oasis Christian Academy will love, mentor, and guide each student through close, personal relationships.

Students at Oasis Christian Academy will get an education that encourages creativity and problem-solving. This special training will prepare them for university or vocational training, empowering them to make a difference in their communities.

Most importantly, Oasis Christian Academy will engage each student's heart and mind. Our main goal is to lead every student to Jesus. We want them to know Him and make Him known because we believe that transformed lives lead to transformed families and communities.

Therefore, the capital campaign for Oasis Christian Academy isn't really about money or even about building a school. It's about restoring relationships, transforming lives, and changing communities. It's about giving hope and a future. The school is just a tool—a tool we trust will guide students and families to Jesus.

So where are we in the process?

In the past year, we have made great progress. God has opened many doors for us, providing the needed land, leaders, partners.

We have plans drawn up for the school are ready, and we've onboarded a distinguished educator and devout individual to lead as the Head of School. The current goal is to raise $1.5 million for the initial phase – the construction of the school set to commence in 2024. Adhering to our principle of financial responsibility, we're determined to progress without incurring debt, which brings us to seek your partnership.

Will you join hands with us in this transformative project? We appeal to your generosity to support the initial construction and future operations of Oasis Christian Academy. A contribution today can make a world of difference tomorrow.