4 Creative Ways You Can Partner With Us

At the Africa Oasis Foundation, we embrace the principle of unity, affirming that our journey is a collective one. We dissolve the barriers of 'us' and 'them' or 'you' and 'us,' fostering a sense of belonging within a global team. This expansive team, comprising individuals from around the world, unites under a shared mission and vision dedicated to the betterment of Rwanda's people.

If you've come across these words, it's because our story has reached you, sparking a desire within you to join our cause. Whether your contribution is $1, $10, or even thousands, you are now part of #TeamAfricaOasisFoundation — actively engaging in the transformative work that God is orchestrating in Jinja, Rwanda. There are numerous paths to collaborate with us in this ministry, and over the next few months, we'll delve deeper into what being a member of #TeamAfricaOasisFoundation entails. To start, we're excited to share five innovative ways (inspired by our dedicated team members) through which you can support us, extending an invitation to others to witness and contribute to the impactful work God is accomplishing through the Africa Oasis Foundation.


If hosting a tea party doesn't quite match your style, why not organize a brunch, a coffee and dessert evening, or even a pizza night? During your gathering, allocate moments to discuss the initiatives of Africa Oasis Foundation, and consider playing a few of our videos to enrich the experience.


A high school student from Chicago took the initiative to coordinate a "Run for Africa" event through her church, successfully raising more than $500 for the Africa Oasis Foundation. The event saw participation from entire families, aligning perfectly with our fundamental belief in the importance of family. Do you know others who share a passion for making a difference? Encourage them to join you in your efforts!


For the majority of children, receiving gifts is the quintessential element of celebrating a birthday. However, Aiden diverges from the typical path. On the occasion of her 10 birthdays, He chose an unconventional approach, urging her friends to contribute to the Africa Oasis Project instead of bringing gifts. He encourages others to dedicate their birthdays to the people of Rwanda, inviting friends and family to make donations in their honor as an alternative to traditional birthday presents.


Ultimately, we each hold a distinctive role within the Africa Oasis Foundation's journey. Should you be uncertain of your contribution thus far, it is our hope that these narratives have sparked inspiration within you. For more information on how to become involved, please explore https://www.africanoasis.org/donate/to discover ways to become a part of #teamafricaoasisfoundation!