Your Impact?

$49/month goes a long way. When you give toward what’s needed most, your generosity allows daily discipleship to take place through

Daily meals

Your partnership enables us to deliver daily nutritional support to hundreds of students through a consistent provision of balanced snacks and wholesome meals. This ensures that every student receives the physical nourishment necessary for their growth, health, and academic success.


Your partnership not only ensures the provision of essential supplies such as textbooks, notebooks, and other educational materials, but also plays a pivotal role in fostering environments that prioritize critical thinking and intellectual growth. By supporting our initiatives, you help create learning spaces where students are empowered to think independently, analyze critically, and engage deeply with the material, rather than merely memorizing facts. This holistic approach prepares them for future success and innovation.

Medical Care

Your partnership facilitates comprehensive medical care for students on campus, ensuring their health and well-being are prioritized. Additionally, it supports extensive medical outreach programs and services in nearby villages, addressing the healthcare needs of underserved communities and promoting overall public health.

Vocational Training

Your partnership supports comprehensive training programs for local farmers, equipping them with advanced techniques and knowledge to improve their crop yields significantly. These programs also emphasize sustainable agricultural practices, ensuring that farmers can maintain and enhance their productivity while preserving the environment for future generations. This holistic approach not only boosts their economic stability but also contributes to the overall sustainability of the community.

Community Strengthening

Your partnership empowers our team of trained social workers and staff to provide a comprehensive range of resources designed to promote financial independence, enhance emotional and physical health, and support spiritual growth. These resources include financial literacy programs, mental health counseling, wellness activities, and spiritual guidance, all aimed at fostering a holistic approach to individual and community well-being.

Select a Child

Take a moment to pray. Ask God to help you choose a child to sponsor at $42 per month. Imagine the excitement your child will feel when they learn you chose them!

See Your Impact

Communicate and connect with your child personally through letters and photos throughout the year. Listen to how they are growing spiritually and in their schooling.

See a Life Changed

Build a long-term relationship with your child with ongoing support. Watch how your care provides a chance for them to trust Jesus and have an eternal hope


Every Gift Makes a Difference

The impact of the Africa Oasis Foundation is vividly reflected in the personal stories of hundreds of students, staff, and family members within our community. We are deeply committed to breaking down barriers that hinder families from achieving their full potential, whether those barriers are financial, educational, or social. Our programs and initiatives are designed to foster a supportive environment where every individual can flourish. Above all, our greatest aspiration is that each person we serve comes to know and experience the profound love and truth of Jesus, guiding them towards a life of purpose and fulfillment.